Development of normative and technical base in steel construction discussed at Metal-Expo exhibition

The development of the regulatory and technical base in the field of steel construction was the focus of a round table discussion by industry experts at the Association for the Development of Steel Construction, held at Metal-Expo'2024. The round table, entitled 'Development of normative-technical documentation in steel frame construction', addressed the current GOSTs, STOs, SPs and new normative documents awaiting approval.
The event was opened by Alexander Nikolayevich Danilov, Director General of ARSS. He recalled that the Association's work in the industry began with the development of normative and technical documentation. The Association for the Development of Steel Construction was registered exactly ten years ago. We began precisely with normative and technical activities. Over time, the main restrictions have been removed. Today, we will discuss what else we should pay attention to in the NTD to remove all excessive barriers.
Alexander Danilov noted that the development of the regulatory framework was facilitated by cooperation with leading research institutes, such as TsNIIPSK named after Melnikov and TsNIISK named after V.A. Kucherenko.
The round table was moderated by Evgeny Antropov, Project Manager of the ARSS Engineering Centre.
N.N. Trekin, Deputy General Director of the Central Research Institute for Building Construction, presented the results of work on a new SP for the design of residential buildings on a metal frame. This code sets requirements for the volume and structural solutions, materials and technical equipment of steel-framed residential buildings up to 75 metres in height. A large number of organisations, including ARSS, participated in the development of this code. As a result of public hearings more than 90 comments of experts were included in the work", - said the speaker.
The round table was saturated with the reports of experts from the V.A. Kucherenko Central Research Institute of Structural Engineering. In addition, specialists from the Scientific Expert Bureau of Fire, Environmental Safety in Construction M.A. Komarova and I.A. Grishin reported on new normative and technical documents on protective coatings for steel structures. Their report concerned GOST R 71618-2024 and the completion of SP "Steel structures. Rules for ensuring fire resistance'.
Over the past two or three years, the Kucherenko CRISC team has developed two normative documents related to ensuring the safety of steel structures. The documents are aimed at ensuring the protection of steel structures against fire and at determining the service life of steel structures with special protective coatings", - said Ilya Grishin.
P.V. Nakhvalnov, research associate of the Metal Structures Department of the Central Research Institute of Steel Structures, reported on the main amendments No. 6 to SP16.13330.2017 "Steel Structures". The changes include a number of adaptations adopted taking into account the wishes of designers as the main users of the standard.
I.R. Gizyatullin, Head of the Structural Calculation Sector of the Central Research Institute for Structural Engineering, spoke about the seismic resistance of buildings made of frame and cladding structures with a frame made of cold-formed galvanised steel profiles, experimental studies and future changes to SP 14.13330.2018. As noted by the speaker, the research began in 2021 with the support of the Association for the Development of Steel Construction. This year TsNIISK moved to the research of slab structures.